Хоккейные упражнения

1 Puck Continuous 1 on 1
An expansive 1 on 1 drill
Индивидуальная тактика 1 х 1 / Выход из зоны

Ключевые элементы

1 on 1 play , Transition from a defensive situation to an offensive one, Outlet passes , Timing and support, Ice Awareness

Тренировочный процесс

Forwards are divided into two groups positioned outside the blueline along the boards. Defensemen congregate in the center ice circle. Drill begins with both sides starting simultaneously. On the whistle just to start the drill forwards skate swiftly down the boards to receive breakout pass from the goalies. Defenseman time their pivot around the face off dot just out side the blueline to play the one on one vs. the approaching forward. At the completion of the play, the defenseman retrieves the same puck and makes an outlet pass to the new supporting forward, which begins the next one on one rush. After making the outlet pass the defenseman drops out, as does the forward after finishing the rush.


After the initial rush, forward forechecks the defenseman below the face off dots and the new supporting forward is given more latitude to support the defenseman

Работа вратаря

Game like 1 on 1 play, Make outlet passes to the board wings in good break out positioning.